God’s Word for Today - 07 Dec 2024
Habakkuk 2:14 (KJV): For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 07 Dec 2024
Today’s Bible prophecy is already in the making and there is nothing satan and his forces of darkness can do to stop it from becoming an established reality at the appointed time that Jehovah has determined. The vast majority of the people on earth today may deny the person and sovereignty of the El-Shaddai but they will be put to everlasting shame and destruction unless they end their rebellion and submit to Christ. There will be no place for such in God’s eternal kingdom. I don’t know where you stand but if you are not in Christ and with Christ, then you need to change your location right away. You need to seek Jehovah the only true God who alone is worthy of your worship.
Pray: Merciful God, I want to know You better and deeper, fill me Lord with the knowledge of Your majesty and glory. #Mok