God’s Word for Today - 12 May 2024
Ephesians 4:28 KJV — Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 12 May 2024
Jehovah the Transformer God does not leave anyone in limbo pertaining His expectations of those He has taken into His fold. He is ever straightforward with them, letting them know that once you choose to be with Him you must do a 180-degree turnaround on your previous way of living life, leaving behind those behaviours that do not honour God or please Jehovah. It doesn’t matter if you were a pen robber or an armed robber, once in Christ you can no longer benefit from the proceeds of crime. You must pick up courage and restore what you stole and start life afresh doing only honest and legitimate work, so God can bless you and you can bless others. Agreed that this is a hard price to pay but it is nothing compared to the price Jesus paid to save you, and it cannot compare with what you stand to gain from being obedient to Jehovah in the matter. What will you choose?
Pray: O Lord God, I thank You for wiping away my sins, help me to follow You in the way of righteousness. #Mok