God’s Word for Today - 21 Apr 2024
Luke 12:15 KJV — And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 21 Apr 2024
The world is entrenched in an indefinite rat race for riches and material possession. And human beings are prepared to do the unthinkable to become rich. They seem to be suffering from an incurable get rich syndrome. This syndrome is popularised in several church ministeries through the despicable prosperity gospel that is luring millions away from the true gospel of Jesus Christ. The sad thing is that those who are being deceived by this fake doctrine continue to remain in the stranglehold of poverty while the evil perpetrators are smiling to the banks without any remorse. Today’s scripture lets us know that Jehovah never measures your life by your affluence. Your life is much more valuable than what the world calls your networth. Let this truth sink deep down into you – you are worth more than you own and this is why Christ died for you. That’s how valuable God sees you and God is never wrong. Do you believe that? Then act to show you do.
Pray: Dear Lord, I am so sorry to be deceived by Mammon, help me to appreciate how much you value me. #Mok