God’s Word for Today - 01 May 2024
1 Timothy 2:1 KJV — I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 01 May 2024
Can you recall when you last did what today’s scripture enjoins Christ followers to do? If yes, how frequently and fervently do you comply? If no, what is stopping you from being obedient to this call? Many of us, myself included, are sometimes too focused on ourselves that we forget to pray for others who may not be able to pray for themselves for whatever reason or reasons. Though we may not realise this, but we do owe it a duty to always remember to pray for others as we pray for ourselves and would want others to do for us. Remember Christ’s injunction to do for others what we would like them to do for us. That includes praying for them and giving thanks to Jehovah on their behalf. Now that you know better, what are you going to do with this knowledge? When will you make it your habit to pray for others?
Pray: Heavenly Lord, I repent that I have not been a good intercessor, please give me the enabling grace to be one. #Mok