God’s Word for Today - 05 Apr 2024
Galatians 5:15 KJV — But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 05 Apr 2024
There is no doubt whatever that there is turmoil and disaffection in many congregations of those who follow Jesus today. The level of acrimony in some cases has even led to breakup of such assemblies. The resultant effect is that many lives have been severely impacted negatively, some beyond redemption. People become so traumatised they even turn their back to God because of what they have been through in such places of worship. This happens when people fail to follow the teachings of Christ faithfully and truthfully. When people begin to compromise the doctrine of Christ by diluting it with human doctrines. They fall foul of the most simple command to love one another as Christ loves them. You can be a difference maker by sticking to Christ even when you are the only one doing so. Strive to let Christ live through you.
Pray: Spirit Divine, You are my Enabler, please uphold me in living for You. #Mok