God’s Word for Today - 09 Apr 2024
1 Corinthians 8:9 KJV — But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 09 Apr 2024
The natural unredeemed person is usually prone to take liberty for licence. The more freedom they have the more uncontrollable they behave and that’s just normal for them. It is so unfortunate that this behaviour is also found in some who identify as Christ followers. This is very concerning though it is not new as today’s scripture makes us understand. Our inability to fully understand how to walk in the grace God has endowed us with is becoming a threat and hindrance to the faith of others who are observing us and look up to us as role models. We send them wrong signals by our behaviour and manner of life. We seem to have forgotten Christ’s admonition that it is better to be cast bound into the sea than to cause anyone to stumble in the faith. How are you using your own grace? It’s time to examine yourself and act aright.
Pray: Spirit of God, I am sorry that I have not been mindful of walking in grace, please teach me to not abuse God’s grace. #Mok