God’s Word for Today - 10 Dec 2024
1 Peter 3:7 (KJV): Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with [them] according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 10 Dec 2024
One of the many reasons, in my view, why many marriages are facing difficulties is the flagrant disregard for the basic need for couples to treat each other with respect and value one another as a reflection of the love they profess to one another. More often than not the husbands want to lord it over their wives, treating them as subordinates and not as partners with an equal stake in the success or failure of the union. Jehovah recognises this tendency in men, hence the injunction in today’s scripture. The consequence of disobeying is quite grievous and no one should dare do it but it seems many can’t be bothered. You don’t want to be like them.
Pray: Heavenly Father, give me grace to love my spouse as You do and to value her and treat her with all the respect she deserves. #Mok
Thank you for sharing this hidden insight about marriage, most especially as it relates to how our dear wife should be valued and loved.
More of His grace Dr.