God’s Word for Today - 20 Jan 2024
Colossians 3:9 KJV — Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 20 Jan 2024
It is commonplace to find people lying to one another. That's the way of the world and they see it as no big deal at all. And the sad thing is that they always manufacture a justification for their lying. For instance, someone will lie to their friend on the pretext they are protecting the friend by not telling them the truth. Lying cannot be justified because God does not condone lies. And there is no such thing as a white lie as the world wants you to believe. All lies are simply what they are, lies. And the one who indulges in lies is preparing a bed for themselves in hell for the whole of eternity. Those who have turned their lives over to Christ cannot continue in their old lifestyle, so I implore you to cease from lying henceforth. Let the Holy Spirit help you overcome the urge to lie.
Pray: Spirit of God, I yield to You fully, please deliver me from the lying tongue. #Mok