God’s Word for Today - 28 July 2024
Revelation 19:5 KJV — And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 28 July 2024
I don’t know about you but I am convinced that there is no better way to live life here on earth than to be synced in with what is tradition in heaven where God sits enthroned. I believe that my life and living should and must exude the praise and glory of Jehovah who sees me. It really does not matter who you think you are and what your socioeconomic status is, you and everyone else who are called by the name of Christ are obligated to praise God continually with all your heart, mind and strength. That is your reasonable duty to the One who has redeemed you to Himself through the sacrificial death of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. What is your response to this divine call to praise be? Choose wisely and live!
Pray: Holy Lord, teach me to praise You without ceasing and to worship Your holiness in the assembly of Your children. #Mok