God’s Word for Today – 30 Mar 2024
Proverbs 19:18 KJV — Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today – 30 Mar 2024
The world has been negatively impacted by strange ideologies and human philosophies that oppose the divine moral framework that Jehovah handed over to humans through His written word, the Bible. This is God’s manual for living in accordance with the Creator’s vision. Sadly human beings, in their rebellion, chose to disobey and follow their own path and are now having to deal with the consequences for which they have been unable to find any satisfactory solutions. When the Most High God says you should discipline your child but the government says it is an offence to do so, the only result you get is the decay in society that we witness today. Children have to be nurtured the God-way, corrected in love and if necessary with chastisement. That’s how God deals with His children whom He loves very dearly. That’s what He expects of you. Remember that you will give account of your stewardship of those God has put in your care.
Pray: O Lord God, give me courage and grace to nurture aright those You have placed in my care. #Mok