God’s Word for Today – 04 Mar 2024
2 Corinthians 1:7 KJV — And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today – 04 Mar 2024
It is somewhat baffling that so many who profess to love Jesus only do so when the going is good. They want to reign with Jesus and enjoy all the trappings of the kingdom, but they are unwilling to accommodate any semblance of suffering or inconvenience that comes with identifying with and following Christ. These are half-baked followers who think that the fiery trials that Jesus talks about do not apply to them. But their denial doesn’t change the truth of God. I have good news for those who hold firmly anchored to Christ and boldly endure all that the devil may throw at them by way of afflictions and temptations. Jehovah will shield you and you will not be consumed by the raging storms you encounter. I assure you that you will still be standing and come out stronger when the storms have gone because God is with you.
Pray: Gracious Father, I am helpless without You, please strengthen my faith in You and help me to face the challenges of life. #Mok