God’s Word for Today - 24 Feb 2024
Jeremiah 17:9 KJV — The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 24 Feb 2024
Any keen observer of human beings and human behaviour will attest to the fact that people are simply too complex to understand. No sane person will contest the fact that humans can be extremely wicked, based on current and historical records of man's inhuman treatment of their fellow beings. This evil is observable at interpersonal level, communal and national level and even global level. And when we understand that everything we do is first conceived in the heart before it is acted upon, then we cannot but conclude that the human heart is extremely crooked and wicked. The good news however is that God can renew and transform your heart. But you have to surrender to Jehovah first to enable that. Are you ready to do that?
Pray: Lord Jesus, only You can give me an obedient heart, please transform my heart today. #Mok